Nadeem Sarwar Biography


Name:   Nadeem Sarwar

Date of Birth:  October 25, 1970

Nationality: Pakistani

Birth Place: Karachi, Sindh

Religion: Islam

Children: Ali Jee, Ali Shanawar

Occupation:  Singer, Noha Khwaan

Parents: Syed Asrar Hussain Rizvi, Syeda Narjis Khatoon



Nadeem Sarwar Biography
Nadeem Sarwar

Who is Nadeem Sarwar?

  • Background: Nadeem Sarwar is a prominent figure in the world of Noha Khwani, hailing from Karachi, Pakistan. He is widely known for his recitations of Nohas, Naats, Manqabats, and his prowess as a poet.
  • Educational Achievements: Sarwar holds a Mechanical Engineering degree from a prestigious university in Pakistan. Additionally, he has pursued studies in Commercial Designing, Fine Arts, and Interior Designing.
  • Rise to Fame: Nadeem Sarwar gained prominence in the early 1980s when his Nohas gained widespread popularity, earning him international recognition among Shia Muslims. His recitations are revered in both Asian and Muslim communities worldwide.
  • Early Beginnings: Sarwar’s journey in Noha recitation began at a young age of four, reciting alongside his mother. Since then, he has continued to captivate audiences with his powerful renditions.
  • Musical Career: Throughout his career, Nadeem Sarwar has released numerous singles, many of which remain popular to this day. His repertoire includes works by renowned poets such as Rehan Azmi, Mir Anis, and Mirza Dabeer.
  • Family Legacy: Nadeem Sarwar’s sons have also followed in his footsteps, establishing themselves as notable reciters in their own right. His Nohas, particularly recited during the month of Muharram, garner widespread attention and reverence.
  • Multilingual Talent: While a significant portion of his Noha collections is in Urdu, Nadeem Sarwar is proficient in several other languages. He has recited in languages including Sindhi, Sariki, Punjabi, Pashto, Urdu, Hindi, Gujarati, Persian, Arabic, English, and French, showcasing his versatility and reach across diverse communities.


( Updated: 05 March 2024 )