WordPress Lesson 1 ( Beginners Guide )

What is wordpress?

WordPress is an online, open source website creation tool written in PHP.  It is the easiest and most flexible blogging and website content management system (CMS) for beginners . it was released in 2003  . 

Who Owns WordPress and How Does WordPress Make Money?

WordPress.com is owned by a privately held company called Automattic . Automattic was started by the co-founding developer of the open source WordPress software, Matt Mullenweg. Matt Mullenweg is the CEO of Automattic and also serves in the board of the WordPress foundation .  Automattic makes money on WordPress.com by selling advertising on your free sites. If you choose to pay for their hosting plans, then you get additional premium upgrades such as the ability to hide ads, purchase domains, additional disk space, commercial themes.

What is naming conventions for WordPress versions?

WordPress  developers share a love of jazz music and all major releases are named in honor of jazz musicians they admire.  Current version of WordPress is 4.9.8 which is known  Billy Tipton  ( American jazz musician ).  A major release of WordPress happens every 4 months or so . Next version of WordPress is 5.0 which is named Gutenberg.